Katka G.
Košice23 yfrom 7 € for an h- Recommend
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Ahoj! Volám sa Katka. Hľadám prácu pestúnky. Som časovo relatívne flexibilná, s deťmi mi to ide a aj deti majú rady mňa
Phone number: visible only to members
0 recommendsAhoj! Volám sa Katka. Hľadám prácu pestúnky. Som časovo relatívne flexibilná, s deťmi mi to ide a aj deti majú rady mňa
Phone number: visible only to members
0 recommendsTime: agreed individually
Pay: from 7 € for an h
Au pair: not interested
Can work in own home
Can work with the disabled
Can work with pets
Can go outside with children
Can do shopping
Can cook
Can do the cleaning
Have a driving license
Have a car
Don't smoke
I would work with
Babies, 0-1 years old
Toddlers, 2-3 years old
Preschoolers, 4-6 years old
Gradeschoolers, 7-11 years old
Teens, 12-18 years old
Courses: first aid courses