Klaudia P.

Klaudia P. is looking for a nanny

Bratislavafrom 7 € for an h
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Ahoj. Ja som Klaudia. Hľadám pestúnku/opatrovateľku detí Pre 2 deti ale hlavne pre 7 mesačného syna, dcéra chodí do škôlky Ponúkam sumu od 7 € za hodinu. Bratislava - Petržalka. Časovo 2_3x/týždňa 3 hodiny.Ideálne keby máš auto. Čakám na vašu správu

Phone number: visible only to members



Time: agreed individually

Pay: from 7 € for an h

Age: 16-99 y

Baby sitting
  • Can work in own home

  • Can work with the disabled

  • Can work with pets

  • Can go outside with children

  • Can do shopping

  • Can cook

  • Can do the cleaning

  • Has a driving license

  • Has a car

  • Doesn't smoke


Your children

  1. 0-1 years old boy

  2. 4-6 years old girl